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To post your own news on the VAM Realities News Blog, become a member of the VAM Realities Network

  1. Become a member of the VAM Realities Network to receive access to the Blog Email Address.
  2. Once you are a member, you can send emails directly as posts to the VAM Realities blog, following these guidelines:
    – Write the title of your news posting in the subject line
    – Compose the text and content of your news posting directly in the email. Please also include an image.
    Optional: Include attachments such as PDFs that you would like to share with other users
    Please note: VAM Realities News Blog postings are generated automatically from your email. Therefore, please remove your signature if you do not want to share it with other users.
  3. Find your own blog post in our News Section.

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The VAM Realities project is building Europe’s largest virtual, augmented, and mixed realities network. Find out more and enjoy the benefits!

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