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Michael Gau

Network Member
Michael Gau
City, Country
Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Affiliated organisations
University of Liechtenstein
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Description of VR/AR/MR interest, experience, expertise
Michael Gau received his degree in information and communication engineering from the Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Austria. He works as a research software engineer at the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein and is a doctoral researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. His interests are in designing and engineering socio-technical systems. Furthermore, his research interests are in designing tool support for design-oriented research.
Portfolio website
Fields of VR/AR/MR interest/expertise
Engineering and Robotics
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Years of experience
3 - 5 years
VR/AR/MR Portfolio